We are a dynamic research group on Physics-Informed AI for Ocean Monitoring and Surveillance in the framework of the intedisciplinary Graduate school for the Blue planet (https://www.isblue.fr/fr/) in Brest, France.
Our general objective is to bridge model-driven paradigms underlying physical sciences and data-driven learning-based approaches at the core of AI to infer novel computationally-efficient and physically-sound representations of complex dynamical systems, that will provide new means for the understanding and monitoring of the oceans as well as the surveillance of maritime activities.
We are looking for passionate new PhD students, Postdocs, and Master students to join the team (more info) !
Contact: Prof. Ronan Fablet (OceaniX PI, webpage)
PhD defense of Q. Febvre. .
16-20. October 20234DVarNet posters presented at the Int. Symp. on Data Assimilation.. Link here.
10-12. October 2023Invited talk on end-to-end neural data assimilation for ocean reanalyses at the CMEMS workshop on Ocean Reanalyses.. Link here.
22. September 2023New NeurIPS paper. OceanBench here.
15. September 2023PhD defense of Simon Benaïchouche. OceanBench here.
12. September 2023New MWR paper on the estimation of tropical cyclones' features.
12. September 2023New JAMES paper on 4dvarnet and UQ Paper here.
1. September 2023New preprint on 4DVarNet for the mapping of real altimetry data Paper here.
12. July 2023AI4PEX project got funded by EU Link here.